地道英语in the clear用法解析in the clear 不再有危险,不再受阻碍的;不再被认为有罪;清白无辜;无罪;债务偿还清楚的,偿清债务的no longer in danger or thought to be guilty of 等我继续说。 The plane had passed over the mountain and was in the clear. 飞机已掠过山头平安脱离了险境。It would be stupid to do anything until we know等我继续说。
每日英语学习:深入解析“afraid”用法1. “be afraid of doing”有两种用法: (1)表示害怕、担心某个不好的事情会发生,也就是“worried or anxious about sth. which might happen”,意为“担心、害怕会发生某事”。例如: The road to the airport was very busy and we were afraid of missing the plane.(到机场的路很拥挤,我们担心等我继续说。
每日英语小课堂:深度解析“afraid”的多样用法“be afraid of doing”有两种主要用法: (1)用于表示害怕、担心某个不好的事情会发生,也就是“worried or anxious about sth. which might happen”,意为“担心、害怕会发生某事”。例如: The road to the airport was very busy and we were afraid of missing the plane.(到机场的路很拥挤,我等我继续说。